taking our mind of things

taking our mind of things

Friday, October 19, 2018

Getting sick is not your normal getting sick here

Just as I jump into wanting to re-boot this blog. So much I need to update, and keep going forward to spread awareness. Today hit with a thud.

This morning woke as every other morning as of late, however, JD was already up. Started getting everyone ready for school, and saw that he was just kind of sitting at the dining room table with his head down. Not something normal for the boy in the morning. Usually I'm trying to get them to calm a little before they take their turns into the shower. Between checking on K in the shower and getting snacks for all three for school, I popped into the dining room and checked his temperature. He said he felt "off" and weak, but he didn't show a fever. So we both agreed a wait and see approach was what we were going to do.

Go about my day. Had a great morning interview to hopefully spread a little more awareness for AFM. Ran some errands and just enjoyed the beautiful weather of the day. Happily thinking that the babies all got to enjoy another nice day at recess.

Around 1:30pm I saw the school's number come across my phone. Hesitantly I answered. Relief that it was the head of CSE. JD had a great idea at school, that she was embarrassed that no one else had thought of. JD is not allowed to really take part in gym. He's on a modified program, but the coach rarely changes the program up for him. So instead, he ends up sitting and watching everyone from the sidelines. But that's about to change. JD recommended that he just take swim class in place of his gym day. What a great idea!! It gets him physically active at his level, and removes the weight of his body. That boy understands his needs so much more than even I do!

Content with how that conversation went, and realizing maybe my worry over seeing that number come across was for nothing. Continued on....

Until the number came across again at 2:45pm. The kids should be on the bus and about to be home!! It was the head of transportation. JD was sick on the bus and wanted to make sure I'll be available as soon as it got home. I assured her I'd be very ready.

Didn't even get a chance to hang up, and the bus was pulling up. Ran out to get them, and JD was as pale as I'd seen. Cuddled up and helped him to the house, and put him up to bed. Hoping that would be all he'd need to push whatever it is along. Checking on him regularly, he was asleep and in his little JD ball.

A couple hours later he came down for some water. His cheeks look extra rosy and the rest of his face pale. Definite time to check that temperature again.


My heart is pounding. Pop the thermometer back in to re-check as I go find his Tylenol. I see he's not keeping it fully in his mouth, but still reading over 103. A quick question as to why gives me the answer that I assumed but didn't want to hear, his swallow is a bit hard.

So sitting on pins and needles. Waiting for a new read and if it's still high, where we are going from here....

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.... I wish him being sick could be like everyone else when they get sick, not a whirlwind of whys and what nows. 

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