taking our mind of things

taking our mind of things

Friday, January 23, 2015

Beginning of the end

I can see that light at the end of the tunnel. Today was suppose to be the official end of JD doing outpatient at the rehab, however, we decided his continued work with the speech therapist in regard to swallow was pretty important.

However, JD officially graduated from inpatient therapy for OT and PT today. It was a bitter sweet moment to say goodbye to his outpatient therapists. But a moment that made me happy. I can see a light at the end. I just hope it's not going to be a train. I don't need any further surprises.

Come Monday, little man begins school for 1/2 day. The school is going to take over his OT and PT therapies. If all goes well, he will be done at the end of the year. If not. He will return to rehab for the summer. But for now. We are so much closer to being done.

I'm looking at getting the other two back in swimming. Though JD isn't allowed to just yet. Mainly because the pools won't allow him in with his tube. Come summer, his doctor said we can re-evaluate him and possible get him in the therapy pool to work with him and see how he's going to do. That will be great!

See, things are returning to "normal." I just can hope one day, that will be the normal we so loved before all of this!

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