Three simple words that my son said upon being picked up from his first day back to school. Those three simple words sent my heart soaring!
JD was a bit scared and anxious last night, and then this morning before school. But the smile on his face. Oh that very important smile. It never left when he talked about school. About his day with friends. Meeting his new aid and his speech therapist. It was great to know that he has such a great support group with his friends. It means a lot to him, and to me.
I'll be honest. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle it. I honestly haven't really left him, good or bad. Short of small bursts when he was in therapy at rehab, and I knew he was safe. But this is a whole new level of trust for me. I walked and talked with the nurse. I got home and made myself adjust. I felt lost for a little bit, honestly. Had time with my little girl. But I'm so used to being so busy with JD's schedule and appointments, I wasn't sure what to do.
It looks like JD is going to have Speech therapy on Mondays and Wednesdays. He has a rest room in the library and the nurses office, for when the work and pain gets too much for him. His aid is learning how to notice when he needs some breaks, and also when he sounds like he is backing up a little in his vocal chords.
One thing I'm a bit concerned with, and will need to keep a close eye on, is that they are separating him out. I asked if this is just for now, or for the remainder of time. And it appears like it's going to be a thing I'll have to address. I understand JD's safety is part of their concern, but I don't feel my son should be segregated out during some of the few social times of his day. It's hard enough to get him in enough when he's going to PT, OT and Speech. Not to mention that he is only on half days for right now. I can see them doing it for the first couple days till they know and feel comfortable, but he should be in his class by next week. I hate to make waves, so I need to figure out where everyone feels it is best.
I'm doing math with him at home, since he gets out before that class. The work sent home honestly only took him about 5 minutes to complete. So we spent a little more time doing some of the worksheets he had left from being out. So added another half hour or so to his busy day, and he tolerated it really well.
But all in all, he had a great first day back. He loved it. He's happy. He's a bit tired tonight, but that's to be expected. We'll see how the rest of the week goes. Especially since he's used to being busy on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for therapy, while Tuesday and Thursday were his rest days.
But early to bed for my little man. For my Super Hero has great things to achieve, but always surprising me with his will, determination and strength!
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