This is John-Douglas (JD). He may seem like your typical little boy. But to me, he is my Super Hero!

JD summer 2014
JD was your typical 5 year old boy, as you will see. Until one mystery took over our lives on October 6th, 2014. Since then, our normal has been transformed. The problem is. It's not only a mystery to us, but to the medical community at large. Join us as we explain and share. And the hopeful end is that we can tell you that the mystery is no more! Welcome to our family!
Our family Fall 2013

A true heart of gold. He is the oldest of 3. With a brother, Ptolemy who is 4, and a sister Kaitlyn, who is 3. He is still your typical brother, who enjoys playing pranks on his siblings, and being the demanding big brother.
Easter 2014
Day out with their scooters
Though he was not without faults. He is a strong willed little boy, who had very severe emotional outbursts. That a developmental Pediatrician labeled as Emotional Lability, along with ADHD. So he was always on the go, and at times a bit hard to handle. But he was (and still is) such an amazing little boy. Always smiling!
JD starting Pre-K in Feb. 2014
Last day of Pre-K June 2014
Wearing blue for Autism Awareness
Getting ready for swim class
Always a great brother (2013)
Climbing the rope bridge
Enjoying his favorite season - December 2013
Happy 5th Birthday big man - Feb. 2014
Always mommy's baby
We are a diverse family, but we are always full of laughs and fun. If we are not all together as a group, out in nature, we just do not feel complete. Playgrounds, zoos, museums and hiking. That is where you could find us! And it didn't matter what season it was.
He definitely could put a spell on me! This little man has had my heart from the first sound of that first heartbeat!
The view from one of the ADK fire towers
Down at the river
Swimming fun at grandma's!
Getting ready to start the school year in September 2014!
Not only that, but he was very healthy. Of the family, he was the last I ever needed to worry about being sick. So that was our normal. But life throws curveballs. And well. We were given the biggest of them all!
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